Aspirations of the Visually Handicapped
from The Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped
Singapore – 29 November 2023 – The MINT Museum of Toys is proud to announce the opening of “UNBOX Presents: Aspirations of the Visually Handicapped,” an exhibition showcasing the extraordinary artistic talents of visually impaired artists from the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH) under the museum’s UNBOX programme.
UNBOX exhibitions champions the heart and soul of collectors, artists, independent brands as well as organisations who are keen to explore alternative exhibition narratives and curations of their work that could be brought upon by trends, impactful societal messages or conversation starters.
This exhibition is MINT Museum of Toys’ first collaborative exhibition with an not-for-profit organisation and this inspiring showcase will feature a diverse range of artworks, including paintings, and art pieces, all created by artists who have overcome their visual limitations to produce stunning and evocative works of art.
Sensory Experience
A sensory experience that simulates various eye conditions from a first-person point of view will be on display, allowing viewers to see, feel and understand day to day challenges faced by people with eye conditions.
The museum curated the experience to include seating in front of four specially designed eye goggles, each with a lens that imitates different types of blindness.
Visitors are encouraged to take a minimum of 3 minutes to fully immerse themselves in this experience by putting on each lens and taking a look at the surroundings as well as attempts to read content provided.
Afterwards, to close one’s eyes and have a moment of reflection and to think about the challenges the visually impaired face with different blind conditions before penning down experiences and personal thoughts about the experience.
Ultimately the experience aims to also act as a reminder for everyone to be grateful and appreciative of having healthy eye conditions and also practice empathy and understanding of the visually impaired.
Handmade Handicrafts under the Touch Art Programme
Additionally, the second part of “UNBOX Presents: Aspirations of the Visually Handicapped” features handicrafts from the visually impaired clients of SAVH as part of the organization’s Touch Art programme. These incredible pieces displayed at Level Five of the museum empowers the clients with the skills to create various handicraft items like bookmarks, drink coasters, mouse pads, greeting cards and decorated glass plates, all through the sense of touch. These handicrafts can also be bought from the museum’s online store and are suitable as corporate gifts for annual dinners, family days and conferences. Often also featured at charity bazaars, profits made from these handicrafts goes into helping generate income for SAVH’s clients of the Touch Art Programme. As we draw near to the festive Christmas season of gifting and giving back, the public who wishes to make any donation in kind to SAVH clients can visit here.
Handicrafts can be purchased, and profits made from these handicrafts goes into helping generate income for SAVH’s clients of the Touch Art Programme.
Canvas Paintings Exhibition
Proudly exhibited at Level One of the museum under The Public Gallery is a captivating collection of canvas paintings inspired by the essence of seasons starting with ‘Autumn’ on display. Paintings inspired by ‘Spring’ and ‘Winter’ will be on rotation display every two months.
In support of the visually impaired artists as well as to continue supporting the lifelong mission of SAVH which is to help the visually handicapped acquire new skills and gain self-reliance to cope with the integration into society, the public may purchase paintings on display here.
Paintings can be purchased, and profits made goes into helping generate income for SAVH’s clients of the Touch Art Programme.